Catalogues - cataloghi

Pierres, matières, surfaces à la Villa Médicis

Under the direction of Francesca Alberti and Ariane Varela Braga

24 €
Format: 17 x 24 cm
224 pages
100 illustrations
EAN 9788836657926
Publisher: SilvanaEditoriale
In French

A più voci

A più voci exhibition catalogue
From June 8 to September 8, 2024
200 pages
ISBN 978-88-89300-09-1
French version, with Italian and English PDF translations downloadable via QR-code.

The book is available for sale at Villa Medici.

Correspondance des directeurs de l’Académie de France à Rome – Charles Thévenin (1816-1822)

Edited by François and Hélène Macé de Lépinay, François Fossier
Co-edition Société de l’Histoire de l’Art français / Académie de France à Rome

Published in May 2024
444 pages, 73 color illustrations, 22 x 27 cm
60 €
ISBN 978-2-959-27450-3


Saintes Pierres de Rome, 20 flâneries depuis la Villa Médicis

By Pierre Adrian and Thierry Bouët
96 pages
ISBN: 978-2-36195-756-8
Published by : Villa Medici and Éditions Jonglez

Adèle de Médicis

Comic strip
Created by Adèle Chévara

216 pages
12 euros
ISBN : 978-88-893-0007-7

Published by the Académie de France à Rome Villa Medici

STORIES OF STONES, after Roger Caillois

STORIES OF STONES, 200 masterpieces by Guido Reni, Damien Hirst, as well as Rodin and Picasso

Exhibition catalogue
From October,13 2023 to January, 14 2024
288 pages
ISBN 9791095821649
Format: 19.5 × 27 cm
Texts by : Anne-James Chaton, Antonio Domínguez Leiva, François Farges, Dario Gamboni, Jean-Michel Geneste, Jeremie Koering, Greta Kuehnast, Jean de Loisy, Léonor de Récondo, Neville Rowley, Olivier Schefer, Maria Stavrinaki, Violaine Sautter, Ariane Varela Braga, Riccardo Venturi, Kathryn Weir

Under the direction of Sam Stourdzé and Jean de Loisy, exhibition curators
Published by Delpire & Co in association with the Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis

Available here – Delpire & Co

The catalogue is available for sale at Villa Medici.


UNA LINEA STORTA TESA exhibition catalogue
180 pages
ISBN 9788889300084
French version (supplementary booklet with translation in Italian and English).

The catalogue is available for sale at Villa Medici.

ORIENT-EXPRESS & CIE: itinerary of a modern myth

ORIENT-EXPRESS & CIE: itinerary of a modern myth exhibition catalogue
From March 17 to May 21, 2023
160 pages
ISBN 9782845978232
Bilingual French-English version.

The book is available for sale at the Villa Medici.

COLLECTION: 150 photographs from the Bachelot collection

COLLECTION: 150 photographs from the Bachelot collection exhibition catalogue
From October 7, 2022 to January 15, 2023
127 pages
ISBN 9791096575282
Bilingual French-Italian version

The book is available for sale at the Villa Medici.

Studiolo n°18 – 2023

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici and Macula Éditions.
Published: February 2023
232 pages
23 x 31 cm
29 €
ISBN 978-2-86589-140-5
ISSN 1635-0871

Table of contents
Summaries and biographies

Étincelles / Scintille

Étincelles / Scintille exhibition catalogue
From 15 June to 7 August 2022
164 pages
ISBN 97888893000406
French version, with Italian and English translations in a separate booklet.

The book is available for sale at Villa Medici.

Scribbling and Doodling. From Leonardo da Vinci to Cy Twombly

Catalogue of the exhibition “Gribouillage / Scarabocchio. From Leonardo da Vinci to Cy Twombly“.
Co-edited by Villa Medici and Beaux-Arts de Paris éditions, 2022

Directed by Francesca Alberti and Diane Bodart
39 €
ISBN : 9782840568483
400 pages
2 versions: French and Italian

French and Italian versions available for sale at the Villa Medici bookshop.

Asger Jorn, L’Avangarde se rend pas (détail), 1962, Paris, Centre Pompidou / MNAM-CCI © Donation Jorn, Silkeborg / Adagp, Paris, 2022 / Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais, © photo : Georges Meguerditchian

Piranèse et les Français

Symposium proceedings “Piranèse et les Français” (Rome, Villa Medici, May 12-14, 1976)
Edited by Georges Brunel
Edizioni Dell’Elefante (collection Académie de France à Rome n°3)
Issue: 1978
616pp.; 23×30.5cm
Articles in French, Italian and English


This publication is no more available

Les Fondations nationales dans la Rome pontificale

Symposium proceedings “Les fondations françaises dans la Rome pontificale” (Rome, Villa Medici, May 1978)
Edited by G. Brunel, Ph. Levillain, F.C. Uginet, A. Vachez
Co-publishing Académie de France à Rome / École française de Rome (collection École française de Rome n° 52)
Issue: 1981
880pp.; 16x24cm
82 €
ISBN 2-7283-0026-7
Articles in French and Italian


La Tradition classique et l’Esprit romantique. Les Sculpteurs de l’Académie de France à Rome de 1824 à 1840

Edited by Antoinette Le Normand
Edizioni Dell’Elefante (collection Académie de France à Rome n°2)
Issue: 1981
380pp.; 23×30.5cm
Articles in French only



Symposium proceedings “Cartographiques” (Rome, Villa Medici, May 19-20, 1995)
Publiés sous la direction de Marie-Ange Brayer
Co-publishing Réunion des Musées nationaux / Académie de France à Rome
Issue: 1996
216pp.; 16.5x24cm
ISBN 2-7118-3410-7
Articles in French only


Poussin et Rome

Symposium proceedings “Poussin et Rome” (Rome, Villa Medici / Bibliotheca Hertziana, November 16-18, 1994)
Edited by Olivier Bonfait, Christophe Luitpold Frommel, Michel Hochmann, Sebastian Schütze
Co-publishing Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Académie de France à Rome
Issue: 1996
416pp.; 16.5x24cm
ISBN 2-7118-3289-9
Articles in French and Italian


Corot, un artiste et son temps

Symposium proceedings “Corot, un artiste et son temps” (Paris, Musée du Louvre et Rome, Villa Medici, March, 1-2 and 9, 1996)
Edited by Vincent Pomarède, Chiara Stefani and Gérard de Wallens
Co-publishing Klincksieck / Musée du Louvre / Académie de France à Rome
Issue: 1998
620pp.; 16x24cm
ISBN 2-252-03228-6
ISSN 1158-677
Articles in French, Italian and English


Francesco Salviati et la Bella Maniera

Symposium proceedings “Francesco Salviati (1510-1563) ou la bella Maniera” (Rome, American Academy in Rome, Villa Medici, École française de Rome / Paris, Institut culturel italien, March 5-7 and May 14-16, 1998)
Edited by Catherine Monbeig Goguel, Philippe Costamagna and Michel Hochmann
École française de Rome Eds. (collection de l’École française de Rome n° 284)
Issue: 2001
740pp.; 17x24cm
ISBN 2-7283-0627-3
ISSN 0223-5099
Articles in French, Italian and English


Histoires d’ornement

Symposium proceedings “Histoires d’ornement” (Rome, Villa Medici, June 27-28, 1996)
Edited by Patrice Ceccarini, Jean-Loup Charvet, Frédéric Cousinié and Christophe Leribault
Co-publishing Klincksieck / Académie de France à Rome
Issue: 2001
264pp.; 16x22cm
ISBN 2-252-03243-X
Articles in French only


Bernini dai Borghese ai Barberini. La cultura a Roma intorno agli anni Venti

Symposium proceedings “Bernini dai Borghese ai Barberini. La cultura a Roma intorno agli anni Venti” (Rome, Villa Medici, February 17-19, 1999)
Edited by Olivier Bonfait, Anna Coliva and Luigi Ficacci
Co-publising De Luca / Académie de France à Rome
Issue: 2004
158pp.; 24x30cm
ISBN 88-8016-468-6
Articles in French only


De la peinture au jardin

Symposium proceedings “De la peinture au jardin. Transferts artistiques de l’Antiquité à nos jours”, (Rome, Villa Medici, March 17-19, 2011)
Edited by Hervé Brunon and Denis Ribouillault
Leo S.Olschki (ed.)
Issue: 2016
374pp.; 17x24cm
ISBN 978-88-222-6424-4
Articles in French, Italian and English


L’Académie de France à Rome. Le Palais Mancini: un foyer artistique dans l’Europe des Lumières (1725-1792)

Symposium proceedings “L’Académie de France à Rome. Le Palais Mancini: un foyer artistique dans l’Europe des Lumières (1725-1792)” (Rome, Villa Medici, March 3-5, 2010)
Edited by Marc Bayard, Emilie Beck Saiello and Aude Gobet
Presses Universitaires de Rennes
Issue: 2016
558pp.; 17x24cm
ISBN 978-2-7535-4287-7
Articles in French, Italian and English


Studiolo n° 17 – 2021

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici and Macula Éditions.
Published: November 2021
208 pages – 122 ill. coul.
23 x 31 cm
29 €
ISBN 978-2-86589-133-7
ISSN 1635-0871

Table of contents
Summaries and biographies

Like a dancing dog

Catalog of Natacha Lesueur’s exhibition, ” Like a dancing dog ”
Edited by Christian Bernard, Walden n (2021)
30 €
ISBN : 978-2-9575515-3-8
Texts by Christian Bernard and Sam Stourdzé
Trilingual edition (French / Italian / English)
176 pages (ill.)
With the support of the Eva Vautier Gallery and House Of Chappaz
On sale at Villa Medici and online


Catalogue of the exhibition ECCO
18 June – 8 August 2021
ISBN 9791280049216
© Manfredi Edizioni

Available at Villa Medici’s boutique and online on Manfredi’s website

ToiletMartin PaperParr

Martin Parr, Maurizio Cattelan, Pierpaolo Ferrari
Published by Damiani
28 x 36 cm (hardback)
192 pages, 120 colour illustrations
ISBN 978-88-6208-704-9
Published March 2020
$65 | £55

Available at Villa Medici’s boutique and online on Damiani’s website

ToiletMartin PaperParr – Limited edition

Edition of 300 numbered copies, each accompanied by a ToiletMartin PaperParr scarf.
ISBN 978-88-6208-713-1
$180 | £150

Available at Villa Medici’s boutique and online on Damiani’s website

The French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici told to the youngest

Educational catalogue Le Violon d’Ingres
ISBN 978-88-918-2146-1
© Electa, Milano

1527. Il Sacco di Roma

Symposium proceedings “1527. Il Sacco di Roma” EPHE/Académie de France à Rome (Rome, Villa Medici – November 12-13, 2012)
Edited by Sabine Frommel and Jérôme Delaplanche with the collaboration of Claudio Castelletti
Campisano Editore
Issue: 2020
352pp.; 140 ill.; 16.5×24cm
ISBN 978-88-85795-46-4
Articles in French and Italian


Studiolo n° 16 – 2019

La main de l’artiste
French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici
Published: March 2021
400 pages
21,5 × 28,5 cm
29 €
ISBN 978-2-7572-1228-8
ISSN 1635-0871

Table of contents
Summaries and biographies

Johan Creten “I PECCATI”

Catalogue of the exhibition “I PECCATI” from the artist Johan Creten

15th of October 2020 > 23rd of May 2021 curated by Noëlle Tissier

Published 2021

Price : 41 € TTC

Texts : Stéphane Gaillard (ex acting director of the Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis), Noëlle Tissier (curator of the exhibition), Nicolas Bourriaud (art historian and critic), Colin Lemoine (art historian and curator of the sculture department of the Musée Bourdelle)

Languages : Italian, French, English

Format : 29 x 32 cm, 156 pages

Editor : Creten Studio

The catalogue is available at Villa Medicis’s boutique or online on Perrotin and Almine Rech websites.

This catalogue has been published in collaboration with the Perrotin and Almine Rech galleries.

Dans le tourbillon du tout-monde

Exhibition catalogue Dans le tourbillon du tout-monde
10 July > 13 September 2020
© Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis

Studiolo n° 15 – 2018

Femme, art et Italie
Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici / Somogy
Published: December 2018
392 pages
21,5 × 28,5 cm
29 €
ISBN 9-78257-214299
ISSN 1635-0871
Table of contents

Collana di storia dell’Arte n° 17

Soleils Baroques. La gloire de Dieu et des princes en représentation dans l’Europe moderne.

Accademia di Francia a Roma, 28-30 novembre 2013

Rouen Université de Normandie – Rouen (GRHIS), 15 maggio 2014
Pubblicati sotto la direzione di Frédéric Cousinié, Annick Lemoine e Michèle Virol
520 pagine
29 euros
ISBN 978-2-7572-1430-5
ISSN 1635-2092

© Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis – Somogy

Arte dal Naturale

Symposium proceedings “Arte dal Naturale” (Rome, Villa Medici – June 12-13, 2014)
Edited by Sybille Ebert-Schifferer, Annick Lemoine, Magali Théron, Mickael Szanto
Campisano Editore
Issue: 2018
319pp.; 16.5×24cm
ISBN 978-88-85795-13-6
Articles in French, Italian and English


Studiolo n° 14 – 2017

Le désir

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: December 2017
392 pages
21,5 × 28,5 cm
29 €
ISBN 9-78257-214299
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment

Studiolo n° 13 – 2016

Dépaysé / Spaesato

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: December 2016
400 pages
21,5 × 28,5 cm
29 €
ISBN 978-2-7572-1228-8
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment

Le Violon d’Ingres

Exhibition catalogue Le Violon d’Ingres
2 november 2018 > 3 february 2019
ISBN 978-88-918-2204-8
© Electa, Milano

Correspondance des directeurs de l’Académie de France à Rome – Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1835-1841)

Pubblicazione a cura di François Fossier
Co-edizione Société de l’Histoire de l’Art français / Académie de France à Rome

Éditions De Boccard

Pubblicato a dicembre 2016
607 pagine, 24 illustrazioni a colori, 22 x 27 cm
60 euro
ISBN 978-2-7018-0526-9


Correspondance des directeurs de l’Académie de France à Rome – Vernet (1828-1834)

Pubblicato sotto la direzione di François Fossier, Isabelle Chave e Jacques Kuhnmunch
Co-edizione Société de l’Histoire de l’Art français / Académie de France à Rome / Le Puits aux Livres / Editions le Manuscrit
Pubblicato nel gennaio 2011
584 pagine, 35 illustrazioni a colori, 22 x 27 cm
60 euro
ISBN 978-2-9534865-1-3


Correspondance des directeurs de l’Académie de France à Rome – Guérin (1823-1828)

Pubblicato sotto la direzione di Antoinette Le Normand-Romain, François Fossier e Mehdi Korchane
Co-edizione Société de l’Histoire de l’Art français / Académie de France à Rome
Pubblicato nel giugno 2005
388 pagine, 80 illustrazioni, 22 x 27 cm
60 euro
ISBN 2-9523522-0-8


Correspondance des directeurs de l’Académie de France à Rome – Suvée (1795-1807)

Pubblicato sotto la direzione di Georges Brunel e Isabelle Julia
Edizioni Dell’Elefante
Pubblicato nel 1984
1000 pagine (in 2 tomi), 16 x 23 cm


Correspondance des directeurs de l’Académie de France à Rome – Répertoires

Pubblicato sotto la direzione di Georges Brunel
Edizioni Dell’Elefante
Pubblicato nel 1979
310 pagine, 16 x 23 cm
25 euro



Catalogue of the exhibition One day I broke a mirror – Yoko Ono & Claire Tabouret
From the 5th of may to the 2nd of Juliy 2017
ISBN 978-88-918-1512-5
25 €

© Electa, Milano

La Villa Médicis – Volume 1

Documentation et description
By Bernard Toulier
Coedition Académie de France à Rome / École française de Rome
Direction: André Chastel
Coordination: Philippe Morel
Rome, 1989
ISBN: 2-7283-0192-1

The complete edition of La Villa Médicis, in 5 volumes, is on sale at the École française de Rome library and available for consultation at the library of Villa Medici.
Complete edition
ISBN: 2-7283-0191-3


La Villa Médicis – Volume 2

By Glenn M. Andres, Pierre Arazzli-Clémentel, Enzo Bentivoglio, Martine Boiteux, Henri Broise, George Brunel, Suzanne B. Butters, Ian Campbell, Alessandro Cecchi, Eric Darragon, Sylvie Deswarte, Christoph Luitpold Frommel, Elena Fumagalli, Carlo Gasparri, Jean Guaume, Vincent jolivet, Fritz-Eugen Keller, Montserrat Moli Frigola, Arnold Nesselrath, Pier Nicola Pagliara, Giuseppina Sartorio, Claudio strinati, Bernard ToulierCoédition Académie de France à Rome / École française de Rome
Direction: André Chastel
coordination: Philippe Morel
Rome, 1991
ISBN: 2-7283-0251-0

The complete edition of La Villa Médicis, in 5 volumes, is on sale at the École française de Rome library and available for consultation at the library of Villa Medici.
Complete edition
ISBN: 2-7283-0191-3


La Villa Médicis – Volume 3

Le Parnasse astrologique
Les décors peints pour le cardinal Ferdinand de Médicis
Étude iconologique
By Philippe Morel
Coedition Académie de France à Rome / École française de Rome
Direction: André Chastel
Coordination: Philippe Morel
Rome, 1991
ISBN: 2-7283-0244-4

The complete edition of La Villa Médicis, in 5 volumes, is on sale at the École française de Rome library and available for consultation at the library of Villa Medici.
Complete edition
ISBN: 2-7283-0191-3


La Villa Médicis – Volume 4

Le collezioni del cardinale Ferdinando
I dipinti e le sculture
Par Alessandro Cecchi, Carlo Gasparri
Coedition Académie de France à Rome / École française de Rome / Académie des Beaux-Arts
Direction: André Chastel
Coordination: Philippe Morel, Marc Bayard
Rome, 2009
ISBN: 978-2-7283-0795-1

The complete edition of La Villa Médicis, in 5 volumes, is on sale at the École française de Rome library and available for consultation at the library of Villa Medici.
Complete edition
ISBN: 2-7283-0191-3


La Villa Médicis – Volume 5

Fonti documentarie
By Suzanne B. Butters, Elena Fumagalli, Sylvie Deswarte-Rosa (with the collaboration of Anne-Lise Desmas)
Coedition Académie de France à Rome / École française de Rome / Académie des Beaux-Arts
Direction: André Chastel
Coordination: Marc Bayard, Elena Fumagalli, Philippe Morel
Rome, 2010
ISBN: 978-2-7283-0893-4

The complete edition of La Villa Médicis, in 5 volumes, is on sale at the École française de Rome library and available for consultation at the library of Villa Medici.
Complete edition
ISBN: 2-7283-0191-3


Studiolo n° 12 – 2015

Italie rêvée, Italie fantasmée

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: April 2016
356 pages,
21,5 × 28,5 cm
29 €
ISBN 978-2-7572-211786
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment

Studiolo n° 11 – 2014

Penser le faux

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: February 2015
328 pages, 195 illustrations
21,5 × 28,5 cm
29 €
ISBN 978-2-7572-0831-1
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment

Studiolo n° 10 – 2013

L’Annonciation. Hommage à Daniel Arasse

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: November 2013
328 pages, 195 illustrations
21,5 × 28,5 cm
29 €
ISBN 978-2-7572-0479-5
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment

Studiolo n° 9 – 2012

L’œuvre et sa présentation

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: December 2012
368 pages, 235 illustrations
21,5 × 28,5 cm
29 €
ISBN 978-2-7572-0479-5
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment

Studiolo n° 8 – 2010

Le lieu du privé

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: September 2010
360 pages, 250 illustrations
21,5 × 28,5 cm
29 €
ISBN 978-2-7572-0385-9
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment

Studiolo n° 7 – 2009

Le comique dans les arts

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: October 2009
320 pages, 250 illustrations
21,5 × 28,5 cm
29 €
ISBN 978-2-7572-0284-5
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment

Studiolo n° 6 – 2008

L’Italie et les régions françaises

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: September 2008
352 pages, 180 illustrations
21,5 × 28,5 cm
29 €
ISBN 978-2-7572-0171-8
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment

Studiolo n° 5 – 2007

L’Art: de l’actualité à l’histoire

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: October 2007
396 pages, 150 illustrations
21,5 × 28,5 cm
35 €
ISBN 978-2-7572-0011-7
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment

Studiolo n° 4 – 2006

Le portrait entre Italie et Europe

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: September 2006
344 pages, 316 illustrations
21,5 × 28,5 cm
35 €
ISBN 2-85056-994-1
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment

Studiolo n° 3 – 2005

Arts visuels et théâtre

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: November 2005
350 pages, 300 illustrations
21,5 × 28,5 cm
40 €
ISBN 2-85056-794-9
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment

Studiolo n° 2 – 200

Rome et l’Europe romantique

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: November 2003
350 pages, 300 illustrations
21,5 × 28,5 cm
40 €
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment

Studiolo n° 1 – 2002

Rome et Paris 1650-1750

Co-edition French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici/ Somogy
Published: April 2002
328 pages, 300 illustrations
21,5 × 28,5 cm
40 €
ISSN 1635-0871
summary in attachment


Catalogue of the exhibition curated by Annick Lemoine and Francesca Cappelletti, French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici, 7 october 2014 > 18 january 2015
Available in french and italian.

© Officina Libraria, Milano
ISBN: 978-88-97737-52-0


Special price during the exhibition: 25€

Catalogue of the exhibition « Painting or How to Get Rid of It », curated by Eric de Chassey, French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici, 11 June – 14 September 2014
30 €

© Drago, Rome
ISBN 978-88-98565-04-7

Villa Medici guidebook

Editor Mondadori Electa S.p.A. / Académie de France à Rome
Printed in 2009, reprinted in 2012
120 pages
ISBN 978-88-370-7097-7
Under the direction of de Neville Rowley, assisted by Hélène Vuillermet

For information T. +39 0667 311


Special price during the exhibition: 29€

Catalogue of the exhibition « Soulages XXI secolo »
organised by the musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon &
French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici
Ussued in 2012
Director Éric de Chassey & Sylvie Ramond
Cover price 35€
215 pages

© Edition Hazan, Paris
ISBN 978 2 7541 0677 1
On sale soon