Marica Bottaro

03.07.2023 - 04.08.2023

Medici Residency

Art history


Marica Bottaro (Italy, 1987) is a teacher and researcher. In 2017, Marica Bottaro defended her doctoral thesis in music history at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice and Université Paris 8 (co-tutelle). Her research interests focus on the history of French and Italian music between the 19th and 20th centuries. In 2020, she received the special mention of the “Alfredo Casella” International Prize, from the National Academy of Santa Cecilia, Rome. Qualified as Maître de conférences (section 18), she was ATER in Musicology at Aix-Marseille University. She is currently Professor of Music History at the “G. Tartini” Conservatory in Trieste, and a collaborator at the University of Bologna.


In residence at Villa Medici, Marica Bottaro will research the presence and activities of French composer Jacques Ibert (Paris, August 15, 1890 – February 5, 1962) at Villa Medici in Rome, first as a resident, then as director. To the surprise of many, Ibert was awarded the Prix de Rome in 1919 and spent the next three years at Villa Medici, after which he was appointed director of the same institution from 1937 to 1960. The aim of this project is to reconstruct the life and work of a young musician at the Villa Medici, and to explore his role and activities as director of the French cultural institution in Italy’s capital. This will be made possible by consulting the documents held in the Villa Medici library, in particular the archives concerning Ibert’s long periods in Rome.

Medici Residency Daniel Arasse

with the École française de Rome

Since 2001, the French Academy in Rome and the École française de Rome have been awarding 8 Daniel Arasse fellowships each year for missions in art history. Starting in 2021, these fellowships are intended for French-speaking doctoral and post-doctoral researchers (for a 1st post-doctoral fellowship) in art history wishing to travel to Rome to carry out research in Roman institutions and/or elsewhere in Italy on the modern and contemporary period. There is no nationality requirement. The grant amounts to 1,000 euros per month.

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