Terms of use


French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici, national public institution relevant to the French Ministry of Culture
Viale della Trinità dei Monti, 1, 00187 Roma RM, Italy
Italian tax code: 96039750581
Telephone: T (+39) 06 67 61 200
Mail: [email protected]


Editorial responsibility

Director of publication: Sam Stourdzé, Director of the French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici.



Data Campus


Creation and production of the website

Hands Digital, the digital agency of the Hands group

Graphic design of the website

Hands Digital and Bahut Studio


Photo credits and intellectual property

All photographs presented on this site are protected by the French Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle et Artistique. With the exception of private use for strictly personal purposes, any reproduction, any total or partial representation, any use, any adaptation, any making available or modification of the works, images, texts, downloadable documents, video or sound files of the website, by any process whatsoever, by any person whatsoever and by any means whatsoever (in particular sale, marketing, etc.) without the express authorization of the Académie Française à Rome Villa Médicis, of any authors or their successors in title, is strictly forbidden.) without the express authorization of the French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici, the authors or their successors in title, is strictly forbidden and constitutes an infringement of intellectual property rights. For photographs whose credit is not specified, the following credit applies: © Daniele Molajoli

Participation in writing the texts

The texts on the pages presenting the spaces and artworks, the history, the activities and the commitments of Villa Medici were written with the help of Jeanne Faton.



Linking to villamedici.it

The villamedici.It website authorizes any website or other medium to cite it or to set up a hypertext link to its content, provided that:
– the pages concerned are not nested within the pages of another site, but can be accessed by opening a window
– the source of each link is mentioned, in particular in the case of a direct link to content. Authorization to set up a link is valid for any medium, with the exception of those disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature, or which may, to a large extent, offend the sensibilities of the general public. Any use of links to the villamedici.it website for commercial or advertising purposes is forbidden. The French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici reserves the right to request the removal of any link it considers to be in breach of the editorial policy of the Villa Medici website.

Update: October 2024

This project was supported by the General Secretariat of the French Ministry of Culture

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