
Villa Medici Film Festival


11.09 - 15.09.2024

The Villa Medici Film Festival took place from September 11 to 15, 2024 for its fourth edition! Since its creation in 2021, Villa Medici Film Festival has explored the links between cinema and contemporary art, setting out to discover new filmic writing. The fourth edition of the festival took place from September 11 to 15, 2024, and cultivates a pioneering spirit by encouraging encounters between plural works that question, disrupt, divert or re-enchant our relationship with images.


The Festival is divided into three sections: International Competition, Focus and Piazzale Evenings.

International Competition films

The festival highlights twelve films presented in competition, of various lengths and genres (documentary, fiction, essay), created in 2023-2024 by artists and filmmakers whose works stand out for their unique perspective or form. The screenings of the competitive films take place during the day, in the presence of the directors, in the Michel Piccoli cinema and in the Grand Salon of the Villa Medici.

Screenings marked with the symbol # will be followed by a Q&A session with the director.

FIDAI FILM, Kamal Aljafari (2024, Germany, Palestine, Qatar, Brazil, France, 78’)
Roman premiere

Investigating the looting of Palestinian films at the Palestine Research Center in Beirut in 1982, the film offers a counter-narrative of a story of ongoing appropriation.
Original Version: Arabic, Hebrew, English / Subtitles: English
· Reserve your session:
13.09.2024 – 14:00
14.09.2024 – 16:30 #

🔺 Trigger Warning

BOOMERANG, Maïder Fortuné (2024, France, 13’)
International premiere

The Canebière building, constructed by Fernand Pouillon on the eve of the Algerian War in Marseille, is seen as a body explored by the camera. The building comes alive with mixed sounds and voices, including that of James Baldwin.
Original Version: French
· Reserve your session:
12.09.2024 – 14:00 #
14.09.2024 – 18:00

DAUÑCUT (MOVING ALONG IMAGE), Adam Piron (2023, USA, 15’)
Italian premiere

In 2014, the director discovers a man in Ukraine with a tattoo of a relative dressed in traditional Native American attire. Through the editing of sequences filmed in search of this man, the film questions the consequences of losing control over an image and the circular irony of time.
Original Version: English, Kiowa
· Reserve your session:
12.09.2024 – 14:00
14.09.2024 – 18:00 #

È A QUESTO PUNTO CHE NASCE IL BISOGNO DI FARE STORIA, Constanze Ruhm (2024, Austria, Portugal, 96’)
Italian premiere

Questioning the work of Carla Lonzi, Italian feminist co-founder of Rivolta Femminile, this film takes us through a history of violence against women, paying tribute to women artists from the 17th century to the present day.
Original Version: German, Italian / Subtitles: English
· Reserve your session:
13.09.2024 – 15:30
14.09.2024 – 11:00 #

FAMILIAR TOUCH, Sarah Friedland (2024, USA, 90’)
Roman premiere
“Lion of the Future” award, 81st Venice Film Festival

A film about aging, Familiar Touch follows an octogenarian’s transition to assisted living, as she confronts her conflicted relationships with herself and her caregivers, through the oscillations of her memory, age identity, and desires.
Original Version: English / Subtitles: Italian
· Reserve your session:
13.09.2024 – 18:00 #
14.09.2024 – 11h00

HOW LOVE MOVES, Pallavi Paul (2023, India, 63’)
Italian premiere

The film is set in an Islamic cemetery in the heart of New Delhi, where the scars of pandemic and communal violence coexist alongside transcendental beauty. The grave digger, with his unconditional love for the deceased, opens our eyes to this world.
Original Version: Hindi, English / Subtitles: English
· Reserve your session:
13.09.2024 – 14:00
15.09.2024 – 15:00

MAN NUMBER 4, Miranda Pennell (2024, UK, 10’)
Italian premiere

Original Version: English
The confrontation with a disturbing photograph found on social media triggers a questioning of what it means to be a spectator.
· Reserve your session:
13.09.2024 – 14:00 #
15.09.2024 – 15:00

PEPE, Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias (2024, Dominican Republic, Namibia, Germany, France, 123’)
Roman premiere

Silver Bear, Best Director award at the 2024 Berlin Festival

A voice claiming to come from a hippopotamus. A voice that does not understand the structural perception of time. A voice that, from trance, traverses the languages of a historical event. “Is this my sound coming out of my mouth? Or, more precisely, what is a mouth?” The only thing he is sure of is that he is dead. The first and last hippopotamus killed in the Americas.
Original Version: Spanish, African, Mbukushu, German / Subtitles: English
· Reserve your session:
12.09.2024 – 16:00
15.09.2024 – 11:00#

REAL, Adele Tulli (2024, Italy, France, 90’)
Italian premiere

As human beings made of flesh, we now spend most of our time in a digital landscape, seeking happiness, wealth, relationships, knowledge, and experiences. What is reality today?
Original Version: German, Korean, Italian, English / Subtitles: English
· Reserve your session:
13.09.2024 – 18:00
15.09.2024 – 16:30 #

THE PERFECT SQUARE, Gernot Wieland (2024, Germany, Belgium, 8’)
Italian premiere

Wieland worked for twelve years with an animal trainer who taught birds to fly in circles and squares. The film analyzes how aesthetic norms can influence our (Western) worldview and why they lead to failure.
Original Version: English / Subtitles: English
· Reserve your session:
12.09.2024 – 14:00 #
14.09.2024 – 18:00

THE RETREAT, Gelare Khoshgozaran (2023, USA, UK, France, 22′)
Italian premiere

The Retreat is a processual film that explores the temporal, spatial, and relational effects generated by migration movements on the bodies and minds of exiles.
Original Version: English, Arabic, French, Spanish / Subtitles: English
· Reserve your session:
12.09.2024 – 14:00
14.09.2024 – 18:00 #

VIÊT AND NAM, Trương Minh Quý (2024, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore, France, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, USA, 129’)
Italian premiere

Film presented in the “Un Certain Regard” selection at the 2024 Cannes Festival

Before leaving Vietnam in a container alongside future migrants, Nam, a young miner, seeks to find the remains of his father, a soldier killed during the civil war. But Việt, Nam’s lover, wishes to stay forever in the depths of the coal mine.
Original Version: Vietnamese / Subtitles: English
· Reserve your session:
12.09.2024 – 16:00 #
14.09.2024 – 14:00

Films in the Focus section


3 carte blanches to the jury members: Clément Cogitore, Rasha Salti, and Vimala Pons

The carte blanches invite the public to enter the cinematic and artistic universe of jury members Clément Cogitore, Rasha Salti, and Vimala Pons during a unique session, featuring films selected from their own body of work, others that have inspired them, or those they wish to (re)discover with us.


Artist filmmaker Clément Cogitore has proposed a dialogue between his documentary film, Braguino, and a short film shot on film by English artist Ben Rivers, Origin of the Species. This portrait of a singular septuagenarian living in an isolated area of Inverness County, accompanied only by Darwin and his theories, intertwines with that of a family that has chosen a secluded life in the forests of Siberia. It is about inventing autonomous ways of living, relationships to time, to others, to society kept at a distance, in favor of a certain understanding of nature, both magnificent and cruel.

BRAGUINO, Clément Cogitore (2017, France, Finland, 50’)
Original Version: Russian / Subtitles: English
Braguino is a cinematic journey in search of an “impossible community,” secluded in the heart of the Siberian forest. Between the fear of wild beasts, fire, and the joy offered by the vastness of the forest and its resources, children and adults try, with varying degrees of success, to live together.

ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES, Ben Rivers (2008, UK, 16’)

Original Version: English / Not subtitled
The film portrays S., who has chosen to live away from society. Alone in his garden and surrounded by his machines, he continually questions life on Earth, from the origin of the world to an uncertain future.

· Reserve your session CARTES BLANCHE // CLÉMENT COGITORE:
14.09.2024 – 14:00


To evoke her relationship with cinema and images, Vimala Pons proposes two films: an animated musical that is both burlesque and melancholic (Mon fardeau) and an essay film resembling a diary with hypnotic visual language (Heart of a Dog). Two introspective films of different designs that weave secret connections with animals at their center.

HEART OF A DOG, Laurie Anderson (2015, USA, France, 75’)

Original Version: English / Subtitles: Italian
Lolabelle, who passed away in 2011, was the dog of American artist and musician Laurie Anderson. A film-essay, a patchwork cinema that blends childhood memories, bedside notes, home movies, dreams, and tributes to those who inspired the artist-director.

MON FARDEAU, Niki Lindroth von Bahr (2017, Sweden, 14’)

Original Version: Subtitled in English
A dark musical takes place in a shopping center on the outskirts of a highway. The employees, embodied by animals, struggle against boredom and their existential anxieties through joyful musical performances. The apocalypse seems a tempting release.

· Reserve your session CARTES BLANCHE // VIMALA PONS:
14.09.2024 – 16:00


Rasha Salti invites us to discover the film made by documentary filmmaker Ali Essafi: a unique and masterful tribute to the artists in resistance during the 1970s in Morocco, known as a period of struggles and collective dreams, an archival film that exhumes the intense creativity that this air of revolt managed to liberate from the violence of the regime.

AVANT LE DÉCLIN DU JOUR, Ali Essafi (2020, Morocco, 70’)

Original Version: Arabic, French / Subtitles: French
Avant le déclin du jour is an archival cinematic project that reveals the artistic creativity of 1970s Morocco, supported by the narratives of victims of the repression of this period, known as the “Years of Lead.”

· Reserve your session CARTES BLANCHE // RASHA SALTI:
15.09.2024 – 14:30



It is difficult to make landscapes speak, to make them convey their history—not the geological one, but the one marked by humans… It is also difficult to reveal traces, images, through cinema. Yet, this is the challenge that the three artist-filmmakers of this session have attempted to take on from the lands of a region of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil or the desert landscapes of the Sahara.

GALB’ECHAOUF, Abdessamad El Montassir (2021, Morocco, 19’)

Original Version: Hassaniya Arabic, Darija / Subtitles: English
Investigating an event that profoundly changed the Sahara landscape, Abdessamad El Montassir confronts the silence of previous generations, haunted by a history they cannot narrate.

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BORJ EL MECHKOUK, Driss Aroussi (2023, France, Morocco, 32’)

Original Version: Moroccan Arabic dialect / Subtitles: English
From the work of a man on underground water galleries for irrigating crops in the desert region of Errachidia, Morocco, emerges a cinematic fable about the climate crisis.

APIYEMIYEKÎ?, Ana Vaz (2019, Brazil, France, 29’)

Original Version: Portuguese / Subtitles: English
Apiyemiyekî? is a portrait based on the archives of Egydio Schwade, a Brazilian philosopher and activist, consisting of over 3,000 drawings made by the Waimiri-Atroari, a native people of the Amazon, during the time of literacy in Brazil.

13.09.2024 – 16:00


Well beyond the ties to the animal presented by Être Cheval and Un Passage d’eau, the articulations between these two films unfold on a score based on the body, its treatments, care, or constraints, the relationships of hybridization between humans, animals, and the environment, and this under the modes of transformation, mutation, hybridization, domination… for a reflection on our desires and becoming.

ÊTRE CHEVAL, Jérôme Clément-Wilz (2015, France, 63’)

Original Version: French / Subtitles: English
Karen is an enthusiast of pony-play, a practice that involves transforming into a horse and being trained as such. Through this quest, Karen questions humanity itself, gender differences, and explores life, love, and nature.

UN PASSAGE D’EAU, Clovis Maillet & Louise Hervé (2014, France, 23’)
Original Version: French / Subtitles: English
Some marine creatures, like lobsters, may be immortal. Will humanity, in the future, be able to transform instead of aging? A hypothesis posed by a mysterious club of retirees in a seaside resort…

12.09.2024 – 14:00


WORLD/ANTIWORLD: ON SEEING DOUBLE, Haig Aivazian (2024, 30’)
Original Version: English / Not subtitled
Performed lecture.

14.09.2024 – 19:00


– Meeting with Alice Rohrwacher and JR
· Reserve your session:
12.09.2024 – 18:15

Piazzale films

In parallel with the films screened during the day, festival-goers gather each evening on the Piazzale, in front of the historic façade of the Villa Médicis, for exceptional open-air screenings of recent films, including premieres and restored classics of cinema.

SESSION ON 11.09.2024

ALLÉGORIE CITADINE, Alice Rohrwacher and JR (2024, 21′)
Original Version: French / Subtitles: Italian
Roman premiere

Presented at the Venice Biennale 2024
In the Allegory of the Cave, Plato asks: what would happen if one of the prisoners managed to free himself from his chains and escape from the cave? What if this prisoner were Jay, a 7-year-old boy?

L’HISTOIRE DE SOULEYMANE, Boris Lojkine (2024, 93′)
Original Version: French / Subtitles: Italian
Italian premiere

Best Actor – Un Certain Regard, Jury Prize – Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 2024
As he pedals through the streets of Paris delivering meals, Souleymane rehearses his story. In two days, he must attend his asylum interview, the key to obtaining legal documents. But Souleymane is not ready.

· Reserve your session
11.09.2024 – 21:00 #
Session with directors Alice Rohrwacher and JR in attendance.

SESSION ON 12.09.2024

PARIS, TEXAS, Wim Wenders (1984, 146′)
Original Version: English / Subtitles: Italian
Roman premiere of the restored version
“Cult Film”

After four years of disappearance, Travis reappears from the desert into the life of his brother Walt, who believed he was dead and has raised his son Hunter. Travis seeks to reconnect with his past and heads to Texas to find his wife, Jane.

· Reserve your session
12.09.2024 – 21:00

SESSION ON 13.09.2024

New film by Japanese director Kyoshi Kurosawa
CLOUD, Kyoshi Kurosawa (2024, 123′)
Original Version: Japanese / Subtitles: Italian
Roman premiere

Presented at the Venice Biennale 2024
Ryosuke Yoshii is an ordinary man who makes ends meet by selling things online. Gradually, he earns the resentment of those around him and must fight for his life.

· Reserve your session
13.09.2024 – 21:00

SESSION ON 14.09.2024

EAT THE NIGHT, Caroline Poggi and Jonathan Vinel (2024, 107′)
Original Version: French / Subtitles: English
Italian premiere

Presented at the Directors’ Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival 2024
Special Mention at the Carbourg Festival 2024
Jury Prize and Student Jury Prize at the Nouvelles Vagues Festival, Biarritz
Critics’ Prize and Best Direction Prize at the Champs-Élysées Festival
Pablo and his sister Apolline are linked by their obsession with the video game Darknoon. When Pablo meets Night and introduces him to his small trafficking schemes, he distances himself from Apolline. As the end of the game approaches, his choices provoke the anger of a rival gang…

· Reserve your session
14.09.2024 – 21:00 #
Session with Jonathan Vinel and actor Erwan Kepoa Falé in attendance.

SESSION ON 15.09.2024

MARIA MONTESSORI – THE NEW WOMAN, Léa Todorov (2024, 99′)
Original Version: French, Italian / Subtitles: Italian
Italian premiere
In 1900 in Rome, Lili d’Alengy meets Maria Montessori, a doctor who develops a revolutionary learning method for children then labeled “deficient.” The destinies of these two women will intersect to write history.

· Reserve your session
15.09.2024 – 21:00 #
Session with actress Jasmine Trinca in attendance.

The jury will present two awards: the Prix Villa Médicis for Best Film and the Prix Spécial du Jury for a standout film that captured the jurors’ attention. These prizes, valued at €5,000 and €3,000 respectively, also grant filmmakers the opportunity for a residency at the Villa Medici.

“For its originality, its inventiveness, its ability to surprise us, to lose us and then find us again, for its incredible freedom that moved us as much as it stunned us, the jury awards the Villa Medici Prize for Best Film to Pepe, by Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias.”

“For its ingenious transformation of “proof images” into sites of reflection and empathy, for its restorative poetry, the jury awards a special mention to Miranda Pennell for her short film Man Number 4.”

“Because we come away from this film, as we do from all great works, with more questions than answers, the Jury Prize goes to Adele Tulli’s Real.”

“For the striking precision of its directorial talent and for its captivating presence, the jury awards a special mention to director Sarah Friedland and actress Kathleen Chalfant for the film Familiar Touch.”

Jury 2024 (Clément Cogitore, Vimala Pons, Rasha Salti)

Prize list

On Saturday, September 14, the awards ceremony for the fourth international competition of the Villa Medici Film Festival took place on the stage set up on the Piazzale.

VILLA MEDICIS AWARD FOR BEST FILM PEPE (2024) by Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias

A voice that claims to come from a hippopotamus. A voice that doesn't understand the structural perception of time. A voice that, from trance, crosses the languages of a historical event. "Is what comes out of my mouth my sound? Or, more precisely, what is a mouth?" The only thing he knows for sure is that he's dead. The first and last hippopotamus killed in the Americas.

JURY'S SPECIAL PRIZE REAL (2024) by Adele Tulli

As human beings made of flesh, we now spend most of our time in a digital landscape, seeking happiness, wealth, relationships, knowledge and experiences. What is reality today?


A film about old age, Familiar Touch follows an octogenarian's transition to assisted living, as she confronts her conflicting relationships with herself and her caregivers, through the sway of her memory, age and desires.

JURY'S SPECIAL MENTION MAN NUMBER 4 (2024) by Miranda Pennell

Confrontation with a disturbing photograph found on social networks triggers a questioning of what it means to be a spectator.

The jury

The 2024 jury brings together three personalities from different artistic backgrounds

Clément Cogitore

Clément Cogitore is a French artist and filmmaker, trained at the École Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg and Le Fresnoy. Winner of several awards, including the Grand Prix du Salon de Montrouge in 2011 and the Prix Marcel Duchamp in 2018, he was also a boarder at the Académie de France in Rome in 2012. In 2015, his first feature film Ni le Ciel, Ni la Terre won an award at Cannes and was nominated for the César for Best First Film. His work for the opera Les Indes galantes in 2019 has been widely acclaimed. In 2022, his second feature Goutte d'Or won an award and was shortlisted to represent France at the Oscars. Since 2018, he has been a professor at the École des Beaux-Arts de Paris.

Vimala Pons

Vimala Pons is a circus artist and actress. After studying art history at Paris 4 and film history at Paris 8, she continued her training at the Cours Florent, the Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique de Paris (CNSAD), and the Centre National des Arts du Cirque (CNAC). Since 2013, Vimala Pons has distinguished herself in independent and auteur cinema, collaborating with such renowned directors as Antonin Peretjatko, Bertrand Mandico, Christophe Honoré, Jacques Rivette, and Alain Resnais. In 2023, she played in Stephan Castang's Vincent doit mourir, and will appear in Baya Kasmi's Mikado, Victor Rodenbach's Le Beau Rôle, and Alejandro Jodorowsky's Le Voyage essentiel.

Rasha Salti

Rasha Salti is a researcher, writer and curator of art and cinema. She has co-curated several film programs, including Mapping Subjectivity: Experimentation in Arab Cinema from the 1960s until Now (MoMA, New York), and Saving Bruce Lee: African and Arab Cinema in the Era of Soviet Cultural Diplomacy (Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin). She is currently commissioned editor for La Lucarne, Arte France's experimental documentary program. Rasha Salti also co-curated the exhibition Past Disquiet with Kristine Khouri. In 2022, Salti was one of the co-curators of the 8th Triennial of Photography in Hamburg, and a member of the curatorial committee for the 12th Berlin Biennale.

The 2024 Selection Committee

The selection committee for the 2024 edition of the Villa Medici Film Festival is made up of

Lili Hinstin

Lili Hinstin is a festival programmer and artistic director. In charge of cinema at the Villa Médicis between 2005 and 2009, she became programmer for the Cinéma du Réel festival from 2010 to 2013. Lili Hinstin then became artistic director of the Belfort Film Festival (2013-2018), then of the Locarno International Film Festival (2018-2020). She is currently Program Director of the Biarritz International Film Festival - Nouvelles Vagues.

Julian Ross

Julian Ross is a researcher, curator and writer based in Amsterdam. He is co-programmer of Doc Fortnight 2024 at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and co-programmer of the 69th Flaherty Seminar. He is adjunct professor at the Centre for the Arts in Society at Leiden University, where he co-directs the interdisciplinary research center ReCNTR. He joined the selection committee of the Villa Medici Film Festival in 2024.

Valentine Umansky

Valentine Umansky is a curator and author. She has been working with visual arts institutions for several years and is currently based at Tate Modern, London. Between 2015 and 2020, she held positions in the United States at the International Center of Photography, the Museum of Modern Art and the Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati.

Jean-Marc Zekri

For many years, Jean-Marc Zekri has been the director of the Reflet Médicis art-house cinema in Paris, where he organizes a wide range of events focusing on repertory films, often previously unreleased, and films from emerging cinematographies. He is also a member of the board of the endowment fund of the Parisian cinema association La Clef. He has been a member of the Quinzaine des Cinéastes selection committee since 2023 and joined the Villa Médicis Film Festival selection committee in 2024.

Partners of the Villa Medici Film Festival 2024

principal partner

media partners

with the support of

Partners of the Villa Medici Film Festival 2024

The team

The organizing committee of the Villa Medici Film Festival is composed of :

Albane Dumas is coordinator of the Villa Medici Film Festival

Lili Hinstin is a festival programmer and artistic director. In charge of cinema at Villa Medici between 2005 and 2009, she became programmer for the Cinéma du Réel festival from 2010 to 2013. Lili Hinstin then became artistic director of the Belfort Film Festival (2013-2018), then of the Locarno International Film Festival (2018-2020). She is currently Program Director of the Biarritz International Film Festival – Nouvelles Vagues.

Laurent Perreau is a writer and director for cinema and television, and also stages images for the Rencontres d’Arles.

Sam Stourdzé specializes in images and the relationship between art, photography and cinema. He has curated numerous exhibitions and written several reference works. Since 2020, he has been director of theFrench Academy  in Rome – Villa Medici.

Véronique Terrier Hermann is a teacher and research program manager (Beaux-arts de Nantes, Institut pour la photographie, Lille). Her publications include Jeux sérieux, cinéma et art contemporains transforment l’essai, Head/Mamco, 2015.

With the kind collaboration of Mathilde Henrot for Piazzale programming.

Photo credits

Still È a questo punto che nasce il bisogno di fare storia, Constanze Rhum
Image A Fidai Film: © Kamal Aljafari Productions
Image Boomerang: © Maïder Fortuné
mage E a questo punto che nasce il bisogno di fare storia : © Constanze Ruhm
Image Familiar Touch: © Sarah Friedland
Image How Love Moves : © Pallavi Paul
Image Man Number 4 : © Miranda Pennel
Image Pablito : © Monte y Culebra
Image Real : © Locarno FF, Adele Tulli
Image The Perfect Square : © Gernot Wieland
Image The Retreat © Gelare Khoshgozaran
Image Braguino : © Clément Cogitore
Image Origin of the species : © Ben Rivers
Image Avant le déclin du jour © Ali Essafi
Image Heart of a dog © Laurie Anderson
Image Mon Fardeau © New Europe Film Sales
Image APIYEMIYEKÎ? © Ana Vaz
Image BORJ EL MECHKOUK © Driss Aroussi
Image GALB’ECHAOUF © Abdessamad El Montassir
Image Être Cheval © Jérôme Clément-Wilz
Image Un passage d’eau © redshoes & I. I. I. I.
Image Allégorie citadine © Alice Rohrwacher et JR
Image L’histoire de Souleymane © Boris Lojkine
Image Paris, Texas © Wim Wenders
Image Cloud © Kyoshi Kuorosawa
Image Eat The Night © Caroline Poggi et Jonathan Vinel
Image Maria – Montessori, La Nouvelle Femme © Léa Todorov
Portrait of Clément Cogitore © Kenza Wadimoff
Portrait of Vimala Pons: © Rainer Erain
Portrait of Rasha Salti: © Christoph Terhechte
Portrait of Lili Hinstin: © Lucile Delzenne
Portrait of Julian Ross: © Merel Hegenbart Photography
Portrait of Valentine Umansky: © African Artists Foundation (AAF)
Portrait of Jean-Marc Zekri: © Jean-Marc Zekri
Festival Film © Margherita Nuti and Gori Claudia

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