5. Books on Villa Medici and the French Academy in Rome

Pierres, matières, surfaces à la Villa Médicis

Under the direction of Francesca Alberti and Ariane Varela Braga

24 €
Format: 17 x 24 cm
224 pages
100 illustrations
EAN 9788836657926
Publisher: SilvanaEditoriale
In French

Saintes Pierres de Rome, 20 flâneries depuis la Villa Médicis

By Pierre Adrian and Thierry Bouët
96 pages
ISBN: 978-2-36195-756-8
Published by : Villa Medici and Éditions Jonglez

Adèle de Médicis

Comic strip
Created by Adèle Chévara

216 pages
12 euros
ISBN : 978-88-893-0007-7

Published by the Académie de France à Rome Villa Medici

The French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici told to the youngest

Educational catalogue Le Violon d’Ingres
ISBN 978-88-918-2146-1
© Electa, Milano

La Villa Médicis – Volume 1

Documentation et description
By Bernard Toulier
Coedition Académie de France à Rome / École française de Rome
Direction: André Chastel
Coordination: Philippe Morel
Rome, 1989
ISBN: 2-7283-0192-1

The complete edition of La Villa Médicis, in 5 volumes, is on sale at the École française de Rome library and available for consultation at the library of Villa Medici.
Complete edition
ISBN: 2-7283-0191-3


La Villa Médicis – Volume 2

By Glenn M. Andres, Pierre Arazzli-Clémentel, Enzo Bentivoglio, Martine Boiteux, Henri Broise, George Brunel, Suzanne B. Butters, Ian Campbell, Alessandro Cecchi, Eric Darragon, Sylvie Deswarte, Christoph Luitpold Frommel, Elena Fumagalli, Carlo Gasparri, Jean Guaume, Vincent jolivet, Fritz-Eugen Keller, Montserrat Moli Frigola, Arnold Nesselrath, Pier Nicola Pagliara, Giuseppina Sartorio, Claudio strinati, Bernard ToulierCoédition Académie de France à Rome / École française de Rome
Direction: André Chastel
coordination: Philippe Morel
Rome, 1991
ISBN: 2-7283-0251-0

The complete edition of La Villa Médicis, in 5 volumes, is on sale at the École française de Rome library and available for consultation at the library of Villa Medici.
Complete edition
ISBN: 2-7283-0191-3


La Villa Médicis – Volume 3

Le Parnasse astrologique
Les décors peints pour le cardinal Ferdinand de Médicis
Étude iconologique
By Philippe Morel
Coedition Académie de France à Rome / École française de Rome
Direction: André Chastel
Coordination: Philippe Morel
Rome, 1991
ISBN: 2-7283-0244-4

The complete edition of La Villa Médicis, in 5 volumes, is on sale at the École française de Rome library and available for consultation at the library of Villa Medici.
Complete edition
ISBN: 2-7283-0191-3


La Villa Médicis – Volume 4

Le collezioni del cardinale Ferdinando
I dipinti e le sculture
Par Alessandro Cecchi, Carlo Gasparri
Coedition Académie de France à Rome / École française de Rome / Académie des Beaux-Arts
Direction: André Chastel
Coordination: Philippe Morel, Marc Bayard
Rome, 2009
ISBN: 978-2-7283-0795-1

The complete edition of La Villa Médicis, in 5 volumes, is on sale at the École française de Rome library and available for consultation at the library of Villa Medici.
Complete edition
ISBN: 2-7283-0191-3


La Villa Médicis – Volume 5

Fonti documentarie
By Suzanne B. Butters, Elena Fumagalli, Sylvie Deswarte-Rosa (with the collaboration of Anne-Lise Desmas)
Coedition Académie de France à Rome / École française de Rome / Académie des Beaux-Arts
Direction: André Chastel
Coordination: Marc Bayard, Elena Fumagalli, Philippe Morel
Rome, 2010
ISBN: 978-2-7283-0893-4

The complete edition of La Villa Médicis, in 5 volumes, is on sale at the École française de Rome library and available for consultation at the library of Villa Medici.
Complete edition
ISBN: 2-7283-0191-3


Villa Medici guidebook

Editor Mondadori Electa S.p.A. / Académie de France à Rome
Printed in 2009, reprinted in 2012
120 pages
ISBN 978-88-370-7097-7
Under the direction of de Neville Rowley, assisted by Hélène Vuillermet

For information T. +39 0667 311