Arts and crafts / Performances - Medici Residency

Nadjim Bigou-fath & Soto Labor (Coming soon)

Nadjim Bigou-fath & Soto Labor (Coming soon)

25/11/2024 / 25/12/2024
Start of residency 25/11/2024
End of residency 25/12/2024

Nadjim Bigou-fathi (1990) is a designer, visual artist and performer. He is interested in the emergence of boundaries – from walls to words – and the normative dynamics that underpin them. Through curatorial, sculptural and performative projects, he produces situations in which the public is included in order to question the power relations that bind them.

Soto Labor (1990) is an author, visual artist and performer. Influenced by hip-hop as a means of empowerment, he explores different forms of storytelling and performance, while examining the conditions of discourse. He produces short stories, fables, poems and rap lyrics as critical tools.

Their project at Villa Medici
Leaving Vegas is presented as a documentary-fiction, part speculative investigation, part performance film, that sets out to find the anonymous performers of the Scuola di Ballo al Sole (Uccellacci e uccellini, 1966, Pier Paolo Pasolini) scene. In Rome, Soto Labor and Nadjim Bigou-fathi will stage their quest, relying sometimes on archival documents and land registry plans, sometimes on oral accounts and rumors.
Leaving Vegas is concerned with the politics of citation and credit in order to make visible the contributions of the so-called “subaltern”. The intention is to interrogate the power relations between authorship, authority and posterity.

Portrait © Mariana Machado