Bande dessinée / Comic strip - Comic book residency / Résidence de bande dessinée

Frédéric Coché (Coming soon)

Frédéric Coché (Coming soon)

30/09/2024 / 01/12/2024
Start of residency 30/09/2024
End of residency 01/12/2024

Engraver, painter and draughtsman, Frédéric Coché (1975) is a graduate of the Institut Saint-Luc in Brussels and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art in Nancy. He has taught engraving in Geneva and Biarritz. He took his first steps in the magazine Frigobox before publishing Hortus Sanitatis, his first book and the beginning of his engraved work.
An enthusiast of literature and medieval art, he has taken an aesthetic approach to the forms of narrative in images across the centuries, often colliding narrative universes borrowed from different eras and imaginations.

His project at Villa Medici
To create his latest graphic narrative, which will be produced in etching, Frédéric Coché will collect images: grotesques from the Domus Aurea, or those by Tiepolo father and son, Raphael’s frescoes, etc. These will compose a narrative articulated around the theme of the labyrinth and introspection. Geometry (in this case, the labyrinth) is once again confronted with formlessness, and the tension in the drawing, or in a series of drawings, is generated by the balance and imbalance between these two principles. The narrative travels underground, in gardens and the city, in the air.

Portrait © Frédéric Coché