Gastronomie / Gastronomy - Medici Residency / Résidence Médicis

Arturo Franzino

Arturo Franzino

22/01/2024 / 31/07/2024
Start of residency 22/01/2024
End of residency 31/07/2024

Arturo Franzino, born in 1997, is chef.

His adolescence in Sicily, spent travelling the roads in search of the best local producers for his parents’ grocery shop, formed the basis of his future projects. This was followed by a year in Ecuador with AFS, then a classical training course at the Institut Paul Bocuse and haute gastronomy. Cooking in Japan with Luca Fantin, between the purity of raw materials and the quest for fulfilment. Scandinavia, beautiful and cold, and the Alpilles, where he works for Fabien Dumont, an organic market gardener. Eating raw peas, far from the hustle and bustle of consumerism. He’s captivated by the gesture, the craftsmanship. Nourishing while respecting life and death.

His project at Villa Medici

Fascinated by the unifying power of cooking, he wants to use it not only as a social bond within the Villa, but also for educational purposes. How can we influence current generations to adopt a more locavore, environmentally-friendly and, above all, less expensive way of eating? Through a study of the culinary traditions and ancient polycultures that covered Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, we will be looking at real solutions and ways of raising general awareness. And to continue building a heterogeneous network of producers, friends, artists and craftspeople who share a love of their work and an ethic focused on the future.

Portrait © Pierre Droulers
Pictures © Clémence Willequet