Arts and crafts - Arts and crafts residency / Résidence de métiers d’art

Anaïs Jarnoux

Anaïs Jarnoux

01/04/2024 / 30/04/2024
Start of residency 01/04/2024
End of residency 30/04/2024

Born in 1982, Anaïs Jarnoux is an upholsterer.

After fifteen years in the trade with Maison Brazet, Anaïs Jarnoux joined the Ateliers de Paris incubator in 2017 to set up her own business and meet designers. From the outset, Anaïs went beyond providing a service to engage in co-design work with the designers she met, transforming her practice, moving from the traditional field to that of contemporary and design. Long-term creative partnerships were to emerge from this period. She was soon commissioned to develop prototypes, artists’ pieces and made-to-measure ensembles for interior designers.

In 2022, together with designer Samuel Tomatis, she was awarded the Bettencourt-Schueller Prize for the Intelligence of the Hand, in the Dialogues category, for their work on shaping a bio-material based on algae developed by the designer. The award marks a successful 180° turn from craft to contemporary design.

His project at Villa Medici

In residence at Villa Medici, Anaïs Jarnoux will be carrying out a research project on the evolution of upholstery solutions for furniture. How does Italy envisage this transition in response to the new environmental challenges that are forcing its profession to rethink the design and production of upholstered furniture? This research work will enable him to develop a watch, a source of content and leads for the creation of future projects.

About the Residency of art and craft with the support of the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation

The French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici is joining forces with the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation to launch a new residency programme for professionals working in the field of art and craft.

Through this research, creation and experimentation residency programme for people working in the field of crafts and design, Villa Medici wishes to broaden access to its residencies for craftspeople and designers in a living and working environment that encourages emulation between artistic disciplines.

The stay at Villa Medici may lead to the production of one or more objects specially designed to resonate with the environment. The production phase can of course be considered at a later stage after the residency. The resident will also have the possibility of leaving an existing or specially created object at Villa Medici in order to showcase it in the reception areas.