
Laurent Bazin

Laurent Bazin


Laurent Bazin
Period: 2015-2016
Profession: Director Born in 1981, Laurent Bazin studied literature and philosophy before obtaining a specialized Master of Advanced Studies degree in staging at Paris X Nanterre. His work often pulls together unusual topics like plastic surgery, comics, spiritualist doctrines or sensory marketing. Each time he tries to assemble a new way of articulating text and image: false conference, medieval thriller, futuristic fable, visual ballet, shadow theater. All of his performances question our relationship to seeing. After a partnership with the MC93, he became artist in residence at La Loge, where he multiplied his scenic experiments. His show
Bad Little Bubble B. was awarded the jury prize of the 2013 Festival Impatience organized by the 104, the Theatre du Rond-Point and
Télérama . He is currently working with the Academy of the Peking Opera, and the Sichuan Opera artists for
L’Effet W (
The W Effect ), which will be created at the Reims Scène d’Europe festival in Europe in 2017. At Villa Medici, Laurent Bazin will investigate the desire to see. From personal experience, marked by a congenital eye disease, he will question his voracity toward the visible, this “slavery of the retina” with which he created his profession. After seeking to produce singular images on stage, he will investigate how to modify seeing without modifying the object seen, working on the ‘borders’ of the image (sound, smell, speech). This work will draw from many different disciplines: performance, virtual reality, graphic novel. As many supports are needed to badger the subject and reinvent  it on a stage.

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