Musical composition

Fernando Garnero

Fernando Garnero


Born in 1976 in Rosario (Argentina), Fernando Garnero is a composer.

Trained in composition by Éric Gaudibert and Ivan Fedele and at IRCAM (2008/09 curriculum), he became a scholarship holder of the State of Geneva and the Patiño Foundation. He has received commissions from the Ministry of Culture, Radio France, the Venice Biennale, the Royaumont Foundation, the Archipel Festival, Pro-Helvetia and the Nicati Foundation. He is a founding member and co-artistic director of the Ensemble Vortex and Associate Artist of the BIFEM Festival.

His project at the Villa Medici is called Musique au-delà du son (Music Beyond Sound). This hybrid music project responds to a logic of assembling and manipulating cultural objects, flexible and meaningful, ready to be constantly recontextualized, and which we could seize as fragments, remains, traces, reliefs. His project aims at exploring various ways of articulating these recomposed fragments through a series of audio-visual, mixed and performative works.

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