Dance performance by Allister Madin

Thursday 16 February at 7pm
Grand Salon of the Villa Medici

Price: €5
Free for SOLO, DUO or TRIBU card members


Allister Madin is a French dancer, choreographer and dance teacher. A former soloist at the Opéra de Paris before developing his career abroad, he is now a freelance artist and creates projects with numerous stage and film directors.

He will be in Rome for the whole month of February, as a guest teacher and assistant choreographer for La Bayadère, soon to be performed at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma.

As part of his performance at the Villa Medici, Allister Madin will offer a narrated dance in the heart of the historical rooms. From La Bayadère to Fokine’s The Dying Swan and Nijinsky’s L’Après-midi d’un faune, he will offer a personal interpretation of the evolution of dance in the 20th century and explore its new forms.

© Yen Lôsset