Seminar | Digital for art history or digital art history?

16 January 2024

16 January 2024
Free admission subject to availability
In French

As part of the Winter School, in partnership with Academia Belgica
With Federico Nurra

Since the 1980s, the “digital turn” has continued to raise questions and reshape our disciplines, especially after the massive dissemination of digital technologies in research. The existence of a truly “digital art history” raises a number of questions, particularly with regard to the relevance of the adjectivisation of humanities and social sciences disciplines, such as “digital humanities”. Drawing on the experience of the Digital Research Department of the Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA), we will explore these issues from an open and international perspective. Without claiming to be exhaustive, this conference aims to explore these issues while defining the contours of the specific contributions of digital technology to art history. Particular attention will be paid to approaches to monitoring the lifecycle of research data; in the face of the proliferation of so-called artificial “intelligence”, we will aim also to identify “forms of scientific data intelligence” capable of ensuring the ongoing control of our documentary and digital productions integrity and quality, which are first and foremost shaped by collective human intelligence.


Federico Nurra is head of the Digital Research Service at the Institut national d’histoire de l’art where, since 2018, he has been in charge of documentary and digital resources. An archaeologist with a doctorate in “Architecture and Planning”, he worked at the Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap) as head of scientific mediation for the NEARCH project and the development of the ARIADNE project. He was also a research associate at the University of Sassari. His main research interests are digital development and database management applied to the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage. He is the author or co-author of several publications related to his research topics.


The Winter School « The Augmented Artwork – Between Past and Future »  is intended to test and promote the initial results of the ANR/FNR project « Augmented Artwork Analysis ». The organization of a Winter school aims to: (i) train PhD students in visual semiotics and digital art history from the perspective of a digital hermeneutics of the image; (ii) develop and test methodologies for the augmentation of pictorial images.


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