Cabin La cahutte

Designed by Camille Blanc and HUTTOPIA

A clever combination of wood and fabric, the cabin perched on stilts provides both comfort and, thanks to the mansard roof, an open-air experience, as well as the indescribable pleasure of a night spent in a tent in direct contact with nature. This humble cabin exists thanks to its interlocking logs, the organization of its space, and its flexibility, whatever the nature of the site. The construction materials are an aesthetic response to major technical constraints, and there is no need for preparatory ground levelling. La cahutte thus offers comfort and a sense of escape, thanks to the large panoramic terrace which overlooks the Villa Medici gardens and which also provides an outstanding view over the city of Rome.

Construction materials: Douglas fir, larch, canvas and metal parts
Designed: 2010
Dimensions: 7.5 x 5 metres
Conception: Camille Blanc (de signes associés) and Philippe Bossanne (Huttopia)
Technical design: HuttoLab
Production: FOB (chalet), Cabanon (canvas), Bruyas (metal parts)
Assembly: HMM (Huttopia Montage et Maintenance)

Images credits:
Photos © Daniele Molajoli