History of Art Grants

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The French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici, through its partnerships with the creative, theory and history of art faculties of various universities, hosts young foreign students and researchers for medium-term residencies (from 1 to 4 months depending on the research fields). These artists and researchers come from faculties of postgraduate creative studies or PhD and post-doctoral history of art studies.

André Chastel Grant

The André Chastel Grant consist of a research residency of one or two months, aimed at art historians with a post-doctoral degree. The grant is awarded in partnership with the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art. Two André Chastel grants of 3,000 euros each have been assigned every year since 2010. The French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici provides housing for the grantees. Candidates who wish to apply are invited to present a research project focused on modern and contemporary periods that require access to documents or art works conserved in Rome or in Italy.

→ More information about the open call 2025 (ONGOING)

Daniel Arasse Grant

The Daniel Arasse Grant consist of a research residency of one month, aimed at holders of a French Second Class Master or equivalent degree, specialized in Art History. These fellowships are awarded in partnership with the École Française de Rome. Eight Daniel Arasse grants of 900 euros each have been assigned every year since 2001. The French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici provides housing for the grantees. Candidates who wish to apply are invited to present a research project focused on modern and contemporary periods that require access to documents or art works conserved in Rome or in Italy.

More information about the open call 2024 – 2025 (ONGOING)

Winners 2023 – 2024 : Théo de Luca, Elizaveta Falkova, Vincenzo Mancuso, Francesca Romana Posca, Geoffrey Ripert, Arthur Côme, Florence Larcher, Anaëlle Rossi

Download the Daniel Arasse 2023-2024 press release

Credits :
Cover photo © Daniele Molajoli