2022 Fellows’exhibition

Annual exhibition of the French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici’s Fellows

15 June – 7 August 2022

With the Villa Medici Fellows:
Kaouther Adimi, Iván Argote, Charlie Aubry, Théodora Barat, Samir Boumediene, Nidhal Chamekh, Aude Fourel, Marta Gentilucci, Noémie Goddard, Evangelia Kranioti, Marielle Macé, Benoît Maire, Hèctor Parra, Julie Pellegrin, Mathieu Peyroulet Ghilini, Guy Regis Jr.

Curator: Saverio Verini

Free entry

Visit to the exhibition and performance programme:
– Performance by Guy Régis Jr. in collaboration with composer Kaoli Ono, soloist Cyrielle Ndjiki Nya and with the participation of the Piazza Vittorio Choir.
– Performance by Emily Mast, at the invitation of Julie Pellegrin.
– Performance by Kaouther Adimi and Guy Régis Jr. with music composed and played on the piano by Hèctor Parra accompanied by Imma Santacreu.
– Performance reading by Marielle Macé, Breathe in / Speak out.

Discover the detailed performance programme

The exhibition Étincelles / Scintille brings together the work of sixteen artists, authors and researchers following a year of creative residency, experimentation and research at Villa Medici.

This annual artistic event lies at the crossroads of various practices, from the visual arts to musical composition, including literature, architecture, stage direction, art history and theory.

More than an exhibition in the classical sense of the term, it is more a restitution of 16 projects that testify to a singular moment in their journey: the residency as a laboratory for experimentation. What does the experience of the cohabitation of individualities and the meeting of such varied practices produce? From the walls of the studio to the exhibition halls, how do we give shape to an idea, a research? These questions accompany a journey of multiform proposals, served by a spatial layout that offers autonomy to each project while preserving its unity.

The title, Étincelles / Scintille in English meaning “sparks” suggests the idea of creation but also recalls both conflict (“cause sparks to fly”) and understanding (“the spark has occurred”).

This very visual term, linked to light and fire, capable of expressing the vitality of the fellows’ projects, evokes speed due to the inevitable temporality of a year of residency that is coming to an end and the desire of the fellows to leave a trace by restoring research conducted during their stay in Rome. Étincelles / Scintille is presented as a journey of correspondences, sometimes obvious, sometimes more subtle, between projects that present recurring themes: accumulation, the reiteration of gestures and signs, political reflection in the artistic field, the representation of fragmented bodies, the relationship between natural and artificial landscape. These themes are found throughout the projects presented in Villa Medici’s spaces according to a rhythm that seeks to underline potential dialogues and affinities between the various interventions.

Over the course of a summer, the exhibition rooms of Villa Medici are transformed into a space for reflection and experimentation that welcomes a wide variety of free proposals, whether expositive or performative, finished or unfinished. These interventions take us to the places – imaginary or physical, starting with Rome – that nourish the most current creation and extend beyond the framework of the exhibition.

On the occasion of the opening night on 14 June, four performances will be programmed: the first by Guy Régis Jr, from the multidisciplinary work What last great conflict to satisfy the hatred between humans, in collaboration with the composer Kaoli Ono, the soloist Cyrielle Ndjiki Nya and with the participation of the Piazza Vittorio Choir; the second by the American artist Emily Mast, who, at the invitation of Julie Pellegrin, will carry out the performance IFIF, an age-old group ritual carried out with a dozen performers on the piazzale of the Villa Medici. It takes the form of a game involving chance, dance and trance to open up other ways of being together. Los Angeles-based artist Emily Mast combines visual art, live performance and activism to explore power dynamics and the subversion of seemingly immutable hierarchies. The third performance will bring together three residents around an unpublished text by Kaouther Adimi entitled Versailles. Read and directed jointly by Guy Régis Jr. and Kaouther Adimi, it will be accompanied by music composed by Hèctor Parra, who will perform it on the piano with Imma Santacreu. Finally, Marielle Macé will combine the visual poem she created with the graphic designer Francesco Armitti for the exhibition of the boarders with a performance reading of Breathe in / Speak out ; in this new text, she explores the relationship between speech and breathing, and tries to clean up our atmospheres at least a little with her sentences.

Étincelles / Scintille includes a catalogue of projects by the fellows of the French Academy in Rome. The publication also includes a series of collective pages devoted to dialogues and exchanges between the fellows: these sections are presented as “intervals” within the catalogue, leaving room for incursions, in-depth studies and free associations on various themes that have marked the experience of the fellows at Villa Medici.


The book is available for sale at Villa Medici.
164 pages
ISBN 97888893000406
French version, with Italian and English translations in a separate booklet.

The 2021-2022 Villa Medici Fellows:

Saverio Verini, curator of the Fellows’ exhibition

Saverio Verini is curator of the Nuit Blanche 2021 and the 2022 Fellows’ exhibition.

As curator of contemporary art exhibitions and events, Saverio Verini has cooperated with numerous institutions such as the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Parigi, the Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, the MACRO, the American Academy in Rome, the Civitella Ranieri Foundation. He is currently coordinating exhibitions at the Memmo Foundation in Rome. He is a contributor to the magazine Artribune, and the author of several critical texts.


Opening hours:
Monday to Sunday (closed on Tuesdays) from 10.30am to 7pm (last entry at 6.30pm)
Friday and Saturday from 10.30am to 8pm (last entry at 7.30pm)

Information on visits and prices

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