14th International Spring School for the History of Art

Before January 17, 2016

The 14 th International Spring School, organized by the International Network for the Formation of Research in the History of Art on the occasion of the three hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Academy of France in Rome, takes place from May 16 to 21, 2016 at the Villa Medici in Rome where it will interrogate this imbrication of temporalities in artistic production – in the visual arts, in the arts of the stage, in cinema – as well as in museum exhibitions and in the writing of art history. Starting from the presentations of participants, and through collective discussions each day, the School explores ways in which the past is constructed and put on stage, transmitted to posterity, and put into question in and by the arts, without limitations of medium or chronology. Themes, proposed below, far from being exhaustive, are intended simply as departure points for reflection. How to propose an intervention The call for papers will be published on the sites of the Villa Medici (www.villamedici.it), the Institut national d’histoire de l’art ( www.inha.fr ), and the Coordinamento internazionale per la Formazione alla ricerca in Storia dell’arte ( www.proartibus.net ). Doctoral students who would like to participate in the École de printemps are asked to submit a proposal for a paper that is fifteen minutes in length maximum, and to send it with a short CV to the organizers ( [email protected] ) before January 17, 2016 . Proposals should include: a summary sheet which indicates the candidate’s qualifications, affiliation, title for the proposed intervention, and the thematic session/sessions to which it pertains. a brief curriculum vitae that includes language proficiencies. an abstract of the proposed intervention for fifteen minutes precisely, explained in no more than 2000 characters or 300 words. The proposals may be written in German, English, French or Italian. The organizers, in conjunction with the representatives of each country of the Réseau, establish the final program. Applicants will be notified by the beginning of March, 2016.