Johan Creten “I PECCATI”

Catalogue of the exhibition “I PECCATI” from the artist Johan Creten

15th of October 2020 > 23rd of May 2021 curated by Noëlle Tissier

Published 2021

Price : 41 € TTC

Texts : Stéphane Gaillard (ex acting director of the Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis), Noëlle Tissier (curator of the exhibition), Nicolas Bourriaud (art historian and critic), Colin Lemoine (art historian and curator of the sculture department of the Musée Bourdelle)

Languages : Italian, French, English

Format : 29 x 32 cm, 156 pages

Editor : Creten Studio

The catalogue is available at Villa Medicis’s boutique or online on Perrotin and Almine Rech websites.

This catalogue has been published in collaboration with the Perrotin and Almine Rech galleries.