Call for papers | Studiolo 16 – 2019

Published by the Académie de France à Rome, Studiolo is an annual art history journal dedicated to artistic
exchanges between Italy, France and Europe from the Renaissance to the present day.
It constitutes an open forum to the most current research that deals with art history, its items and its
Each publication includes various sections: dossier, varia, regards critiques, dedicated to historiography. The art history section at Villa Medici provides a topicality on the main activities of the department of art history
and restoration projects of the Académie de France à Rome – Villa Medici. Finally, in the free field section, Studiolo gives the current fellows artists the floor.

Thematic dossier : The Artist’s Hand

Within these walls devoted to marvels
I welcome and protect the work
Of the artist’s miraculous hand,
Equal and rival of his mind.
The one is nothing without the other.

These famous verses of Paul Valéry powerfully formulate a central idea of art theorists from Alberti to Vasari who attempted to show that art was not a merely mechanical practice but a superior
expression of creative inspiration. The linguistic and conceptual shift from mano to maniera and from maniera to stile underscores the importance of symbolic and speculative issues at stake.
The hand of the artist gradually becomes the very symbol of artistic creation in a demiurgic interpretation of the artist that perfectly embodies, until his anagogical fulfillment, The hand of God
by Rodin (1902).
However, a few years later, Marcel Duchamp’s first ready-made caused an aesthetic break that abruptly reversed this paradigm. In fact, throughout the twentieth century, an ever-increasing
part of artistic production cast a critical and suspicious glance on the practice of the noble craftsmanship and the ancient valorization of the hand.
The 16th edition of the journal Studiolo focuses on all the conceptual issues around the artist’s hand in a historical as well as historiographical perspective without neglecting questions of
style and attributions.

Articles may be published in three languages, French, Italian and English, and must be previously unpublished. In the sections dossier, varia and regards critiques, articles must comprise between 30,000 and
80,000 characters (spaces and notes included). In the last section art history at Villa Medici, characters must be between 10,000 and 50,000 characters (spaces and notes included).
The reproduced works must be provided by the authors and copyright free.
The authors will be responsible for formatting their article according to editorial standards  of the Académie de France in Rome.
The article must be accompanied by a summary of about 800 characters and a biography of the author composed of 800 characters that presents his functions, current research and recent publications,
supplemented by his email address. This summary and this biography are transmitted in a separate document.

All these documents are to be sent by email, in Word format, to Patrizia Celli, editorial secretary:
[email protected]
Sending of articles: December 15, 2018
Publication: end of 2019

Editorial director: Muriel Mayette-Holtz
Chief editor: Jérôme Delaplanche
Editorial coordination: Patrizia Celli et Cecilia Trombadori
Editorial board : Marc Bayard (Mobilier National), Olivier Bonfait (Université de Bourgogne), Maurice Brock
(CESR, Tours), Luisa Capodieci (Université Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne), Stefano Chiodi (Università di Roma
3), Elena Fumagalli (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Sophie Harent (musée Magnin, Dijon),
June Hargrove (University of Maryland), Michel Hochmann (EPHE) Dominique Jarrassé (Université de
Bordeaux 3, École du Louvre), Fabrice Jesné (École Française de Rome), Annick Lemoine (Université Rennes
2, Festival de Fontainebleau), Christophe Leribault (Petit-Palais, Paris), François-René Martin (ENSBA, École
du Louvre), Maria Grazia Messina (Università degli Studi di Firenze), Patrick Michel (Université Charles de
Gaulle – Lille 3), Philippe Morel (Université Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne), Pierre Pinon (CNRS), Rodolphe
Rapetti (Ministère de la culture), Patricia Rubin (Institute of Fine Arts, New York), Tiziana Serena (Università
degli Studi di Firenze), Anne-Elisabeth Spica (Université de Lorraine).