Art history / Histoire de l’art - André Chastel Research Grant

Audrey Nassieu Maupas (Coming soon)

Audrey Nassieu Maupas (Coming soon)

22/07/2024 / 12/08/2024
Start of residency 22/07/2024
End of residency 12/08/2024

Audrey Nassieu Maupas is a lecturer at the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris. Her research focuses on the visual arts of the Renaissance, particularly artistic techniques and know-how, as well as the circulation of artists. She directed the Pictor program, funded by the City of Paris and supported by the École française de Rome (2016-2022), on the painting profession in Europe, leading to the publication of a synthesis work in 2023. She has helped raise awareness of artists such as Baptiste Pellerin, Jean Cousin, and Marin Le Bourgeois and is currently working on a study of painters’ studios in Paris in the 16th century.

Her project at the Villa Medici

Her residency project is devoted to French artists in Rome around 1520, with Guillaume de Marcillat at the center. A painter and glazier, Marcillat is best known as Vasari’s master, but documents about him, particularly two autograph registers, reveal the names of painters, illuminators, glaziers, and other artists and craftsmen, most of them of French origin. The goal is to shed light on Marcillat’s environment, often populated by compatriots, and to revisit the circulation of artists from France to Italy at a time when “travel to Italy,” as a mandatory part of training, had not yet become the norm.

Portrait © Guillaume de Marcillat