Arts plastiques / Plastic arts - Guest artists

Isabelle Cornaro

Isabelle Cornaro

11/03/2024 / 24/03/2024
Start of residency 11/03/2024
End of residency 24/03/2024

Isabelle Cornaro (1974) Isabelle Cornaro lives and works in Paris, Geneva and Amsterdam.

She is an artist, curator, and educator. Her work was the subject of solo exhibitions at the Musée de l’Orangerie (Paris), Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard (Paris) and Ludwig Museum (Koblenz) in 2021 ; she also exhibited at the National Museum of Modern Art – Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris) as part of the Marcel Duchamp Prize 2021, for which she was recently nominated. In 2023, she release a new monograph of her work published by JRP Editions, and in 2024 she will have a solo show at the Fondazione Giuliani in Roma.

Her project at Villa Medici

Isabelle Cornaro has been invited to Villa Medici as part of the preparation of a solo exhibition at the Giuliani Foundation, opening at the end of March 2024, focusing on several series of works not yet exhibited in Italy: Landscapes, Savannahs and Golden Memories.

Her website


Portrait © Annik Wetter
Photograpy © Annik Wetter