Art history - Daniel Arasse Research Grant

Florence Larcher

Florence Larcher

08/01/2024 / 09/02/2024
Start of residency 08/01/2024
End of residency 09/02/2024

Florence Larcher is a doctoral student in art history at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, under the supervision of Philippe Morel, where she is preparing a thesis on the Italian images of Roch de Montpellier between 1350 and 1680. Her research interests include mural painting, ex-votos, the mobility of artists and their studios, and the seriality and ambiguity of sacred images.

Her project at Villa Medici

Her residency project focuses on the Romanesque nature of the images of Roch de Montpellier, which emerges from the devotional objects depicted there in response to the Great Western Schism and then under the impetus of the Counter-Reformation.


1- Plaisance, Roch, late 14th century (_), fresco, 110 x 90 cm, Mignano di Vernasca, Santi Genesio e Geminiano

2- Giovanni Antonio Merli, Roch, 1480, San Nazzaro Sesia, Abbazia dei Santi Nazario e Celso

© Dioceses of Novara and Piacenza-Bobbio

Portrait © Jeanne Jovet