Art history - Partnership with the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz

Mario Zamora

Mario Zamora

22/09/2023 / 30/09/2023
Start of residency 22/09/2023
End of residency 30/09/2023

Mario Zamora (Spain, 1993) is a doctoral student in the Department of Art History and Theory at the Autonomous University of Madrid. This research is part of the Hacia Antonio Acisclo Palomino, teoría e historiografía artísticas del Siglo de Oro project, directed by Professor Fernando Marías, thanks to a pre-doctoral contract awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. He has also been awarded the annual Residencia de Estudiantes scholarship for the 2019/2020 academic year and a fellowship at the Kunsthistorisches Istitut in Firenz between January and April 2023.

His project at Villa Medici
Vincenzo Carducci (Florence, ca. 1576/78 – Madrid, 1638): Networks and artistic literature between the end of the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century at the court of the Hispanic monarchy. This research, centred on the Florentine painter and writer Vicente Carducho, aims to reconstruct the artistic landscape between 1585 and 1640 at the court of the Hispanic monarchy and to analyse his Diálogos de la Pintura (1634) as the first treatise on painting in modern Spain. In residence at Villa Medici, he will explore the conceptual debts that Vicente Carducho owes in his treatise to Federico Zuccari and his theory of drawing, as well as the model of the Academy of Arts that Zuccari established in Rome.

© Mario Zamora

His website