Art history / Histoire de l’art - Daniel Arasse Research Grant

Elizaveta Falkova

Elizaveta Falkova

02/10/2023 / 03/11/2023
Start of residency 02/10/2023
End of residency 03/11/2023

Elizaveta Falkova (Russia, 1994) is a doctoral student in art history at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Université catholique de Louvain. Co-supervised by Philippe Morel and Ralph Dekoninck, her thesis Entre art et dévotion: les formes et les fonctions de l’encadrement fictif dans les images de la dévotion privée du Quattrocento (Italie centrale et Italie septentrionale) (Between art and devotion: the forms and functions of fictional framing in images of private devotion in the Quattrocento (central and northern Italy)) aims to examine the role that fictional framing played in the articulation of devotional and artistic issues in the Quattrocento. In particular, the aim is to study the polysemy of the fictional frame through its place in intervisual networks, as well as through its role in the devotional and visual experience of the spectator.

Her project at Villa Medici:
In residence at Villa Medici, Elizaveta Falkova will be developing her research into the forms and functions of the fictive frame in devotional images of the Quattrocento. During the period under study, the devotional image became a field of artistic experimentation; approaching it through the fictional frame provides a clearer picture of its devotional as well as artistic dimension, and thus nuances its functional conception. Because of its essential role in the development of new devices for framing images, and because of the strong presence of the visual and performative tradition of miraculous icons, Rome is an essential site for the study of the dialectical relationship between the sacred and the profane that is played out within images.

© Elizaveta Falkova


Copyright :
Fra Filippo Lippi, Madonna and Child with two angels, c. 1460-1465, tempera and gold on wood, 95 x 62 cm. Florence, Uffizi Gallery. Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo 2017
Andrea Mantegna, Madonna and Child with Seraphim and Cherubim, c. 1454, tempera and gold on wood, 44.1 x 28.6 cm. New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Vincenzo Foppa, Madonna and Child, c. 1475, tempera and gold on wood, 37.5 x 29.6 cm. Milan, Museo d’Arte Antica del Castello Sforzesco. 2006, SCALA, Florence / ART RESOURCE, N.Y.