The “Reenchanting Villa Medici” project on video!

Refurbishing, reupholstering, refurnishing, rehanging, restoring, redecorating… discover the Villa Medici refurnishing and refurbishment project in 10 episodes.

CHAPTER 1 : the refurbishment of the six reception Salons

Episode 1: Sam Stourdzé “Refurbishing, refurnishing, re-enchanting”

Episode 2: Bobin Tradition “Restore and conserve

Episode 3: Pierre-Antoine Gatier “The Balthus Walls

Episode 4: Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance “Inspiration for design

Episode 5: Hervé Lemoine “The tapestries of the Mobilier national

Episode 6: Toan Nguyen “Comfort, a matter of design

Episode 7: Marie-Cécile Zinsou “Dialogue between heritage and contemporary”

Episode 8: Devialet “The sound of Villa Medici

More informations about the first chapter

CHAPTER 2: the refurbishment of the historic rooms

Episode 9: India Mahdavi « “Pop Renaissance” rooms »

Episode 10: Marc Bayard « Applied arts highlighted »

More informations about the second chapter

Playlist on YouTube

Credits :
Cover photo © Daniele Molajoli
Videos © M3 Studio and Louise Malnoy