Conference #5 with Philippe-Alain Michaud: “Scribbling on film”

Thursday 19 May 2022 at 6.30 pm
Michel Piccoli Room, Villa Medici
Conference in French, not translated
Duration: 1 hour

Free event, limited number of seats. Advance booking required.

Please consider cancelling your Eventbrite booking if you no longer wish to attend so that others can attend the event.

This conference will not be recorded or filmed and will not be broadcast at a later date.

Alongside the exhibition Scribbling and Doodling. From Leonardo da Vinci to Cy Twombly, presented until the 22nd May 2022, Villa Medici presents a series of six conferences held by several Art History, Philosophy and Anthropology scholars to share their interpretation of the practice of scribbling in relation to their field of research.

For the fifth conference in this series of meetings, Villa Medici invites Philippe-Alain Michaud, associate curator of the exhibition Gribouillage / Scarabocchio.


During his lecture, Philippe-Alain Michaud will revisit the links between cinema and drawing, based on a selection of films:

Hans Namuth, Bouts d’essais pour un film sur Jackson Pollock, 1951

Teri Wehn Damisch, Work in progress, 1995

Marcel Broodthaers, La pluie (Projet pour un texte), 1969

“All scribbling on film, whether it takes the form of scribbling or daubing, whether it coincides with the inaugural moment of spouting or with the final moment of reversion, is first and foremost a scramble: this is what film shows us when it seeks to account for drawing in its processual dimension.”

Philippe-Alain Michaud

Photo credits
Cover image: Dennis Oppenheim (1938-2011), 2 Stage Transfer Drawing (Returning to a Past State), 3 Stage Transfer Drawing (Returning to a Past State) 1971 vidéo couleur, muet, 3’ Paris, Centre Pompidou / MNAM-CCI, inv. AM 1996-74 ; AM 1996-73 © Daniele Molajoli
Exhibition photo: © Daniele Molajoli