Behind the scenes of TextWork: Benoît Maire as told by Caterina Riva

10 February 2022

Thursday 10 February 2022 from 7 to 8:30 pm
Villa Medici, Michel Piccoli Room

English (no translation)
Free, reservation compulsory at this link
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A Talk with Benoît Maire, Caterina Riva, Pauline Curnier Jardin, and Ana Teixeira Pinto.

Find the TextWork publication of the monograph written by Caterina Riva about the artistic project and the life of the artist Benoît Maire

Within the framework of their partnership, the Villa Medici and TextWork have entrusted to the Italian author and curator Caterina Riva the production of a text dedicated to the work of artist Benoît Maire, currently a resident of the French Academy in Rome (2021–2022 year-group). This monographic study will be published in the summer of 2022 in French and English and will enrich the TextWork corpus, contributing to opening up spaces of dialogue and discussion on art in France.

A public airing of the work in progress is proposed on 10 February at Villa Medici, through a round-table talk with Benoît Maire and Caterina Riva, in the presence of another artist-author duo: French artist Pauline Curnier Jardin, resident at the Villa Medici in 2019–2020, and Ana Teixeira Pinto, author of the TextWork dedicated to the latter’s work and published in 2018. The talk, moderated by the TextWork committee, will afford the opportunity to reflect on the collaborative process towards the creation of the monographic texts and their extension beyond the writing phase. The participants will share their experience and the follow-up from their encounter within the framework of the Textwork x Villa Medici programme.

Introduced by Colette Barbier, director of the Fondation Pernod Ricard and Sam Stourdzé, director of the French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici.


In order to access the event and in compliance with the regulations in effect, participants are asked to present their valid green pass, accompanied by an identity document, and to wear a FFP2 mask for the duration of the event.